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History and Development
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • 2016. 10 Registered “DANDITAN“ as Eco-friendly organic agricultural material
    2015. 11 Registered “Bye-mycin“ as Eco-friendly organic agricultural material
    2015. 07 Registered “Anti-V Gold “ as Eco-friendly organic agricultural material
    2014. 01 Registered "Big Byerus Control" as Eco-friendly organic agricultural material
    2013. 12 Registered "Nemastar&Cheongoong" as Eco-friendly organic agricultural material
    2011. 04 Registered "Bulwhi" as Eco-friendly organic agricultural material
    2011. 01 Registered "Suncho" as Eco-friendly organic agricultural material
  • 2010. 11 Participated in KIEMSTA2010
    2010. 10 Awarded administration prize of Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery
    2010. 10 Registered "Orga-Amisoil", "Orga-Amione", "KO-Fungi" as Eco-friendly organic
                     agricultural material
    2010. 10 Participated in Hortifair2010 in Amsterdam Netherlands
    2010. 09 Certified as Promising small and medium enterprise by Daejeon metropolitan City
    2010. 01 Registered "McTO" as Eco-friendly organic agricultural material
    2009. 11 Participated in Hortifair2009 in Amsterdam Netherlands
    2009. 07 Registered "Terra Khan", "Chungotan", "Anti-V" as Eco-friendly organic
                     agricultural material
    2009. 04 Registered "Slugger", "Water weevil killer" as Eco-friendly organic agricultural material
    2009. 02 Exported V-cut scissors to Japan (2nd contract)
    2008. 11 Participated in Korea-Spain Technology collabotation session in Madrid Spain
    2008. 10 Participated in Technology transfer session in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
    2008. 10 Participated in Hortifair2008 in Amsterdam Netherlands
    2008. 05 Exported V-cut Scissors to Japan (1st contract)
    2008. 04 Suncho, Diena, Jinup, Vitabacs and Bulwhi were passed Environment Friendly Organic
                     Agricultural Material, Korea Rural Development Administration
    2007. 10 Launched “Slugger, Jisun, Anti-V, V-cut, Big Byerus SP, KO-Fungi”
    2006. 12 Certified INNOBIZ
  • 2005. 08 Launched “Water weevil killer” for controlling rice water weevil in paddy field
                     in the market
    2005. 04 Chamkok Calcium was inserted in NEIS (Seoul, Gyonggi, Busan, Choongbuk)
                     and expanded supply to the schools of whole country in full scale
    2004. 09 Made supply agreement for Sanghwang mushroom mycelium
                     with Seoul Milk Co.,Ltd.
    2003. 12 Launched plant extract based powdery mildew controlling product
                     “Vitabacs”in the market
    2003. 07 Launched root vitality enhancing and nematode controlling product
                     “Bulwhi” in the market
    2002. 05 Granted KT Mark(certificate of Korea New Technology) :
                     Seed pelleting with microorganism
    2001. 06 Granted ISO9001, 14001 certificate
    2001. 01 Signed strategy partnership in R&D and Marketing of microorganism
                     pesticide with Sumitomo corp.
    2000. 08 Registered B.I.G Co., Ltd. as Venture company, Certified company
                     affiliated institute
    2000. 05 Registered B.I.G Co., Ltd. as corporation