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Corporate identity
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • Circle, which is a infinite imagination, shows the Earth that can not think separate with our life just like a mother's
    chest, and the background blue color inside of circle represents desire of mankind to rebirth in the nature.
    So, blue circle is a spirit of B.I.G that preserve the environment and pursue dream society with infinite imagination.

    The word 'BIG' with vivid white color shows center of the Earth like a seed of fruit, and persue clean image of
    white and novelty.

    The word 'BIG' shows Biotech, Idea, Group.

    Green point come from right side of circle shows strong will of employees with embodied a new shoot, and also
    shows capability of BIG like outshoot from the Earth.

    Word and green point shows dream and hope of BIG for global business as a basis of bio industry, and also
    expects bright future of company and mankind.