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Environment friendly products
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • Product : Super BULWHI Gold
    Unit : 1ℓ
    Application method : Soil drenching

Characteristics of Product

  • Exerted lasting effect by inhibiting egg sac formation as well as nematode control
  • As a natural material, it is safe for environment, animal and human being
  • Strengthening anti-insect activity through improving root vitality
  • The product can be applied anytime while growing season

BULWHI System Treatment

Application Method

Timing Application method
Before Planting Planting after dipping the nursery box on 2,000 times diluted solution of BULWHI
When Planting Soil drenching wet enough on 2,000 times (Average 300㎖/plant) diluted solution of BULWHI
After Planting Dilute 500㎖ of BULWHI to approx. 2 tons of water and apply wet enough soil drenching every 660 m², 20~30 days interval

Test Result

Efficacy test Target pest Test result
Cucumber Root-knot
- Nematode density of untreated control was increased by 3.4 times, however, no change   for treated area.
- In the treated area, almost no root knot occurred.
- Growth and quantity were normal and no phytotoxicity.
Tomato Root-knot
Showed 94.2%, 78.7% and 94.2% control value 10, 20 and 30 days after treatment of BULWHI with no phytotoxicity.


  • Shake the bottle thoroughly before use.
  • Do not mix and use with alkaline materials(chemicals).
  • Stir thoroughly in order to be mixed with water well.
  • Keep remaining product in cool and dark place away from sunlight with tightly sealed.
  • Under the special circumstance, conduct the trial before use.