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home > Products of B.I.G > Environment friendly products

Environment friendly products
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • Product : SLUGGER
    Unit : 1kg / 2kg

Characteristics of Product

  • 100% natural material, safe for humans and animals
  • Granule type for easy handling
  • Simultaneous prevention for whole area in a time fast effectiveness
  • Durable efficacy of the water soluble natural major constituent
  • Combined efficacies of direct molluscicide and repellent
  • Product is developed by B.I.G's own technology aiming at export

Application Method

Crops Treatment area Applied quantity Application method
All crops 500㎡ 1kg Application over the land evenly at the time of initial occurrence
300times dilution 67g/20ℓ Foliar application every 7days at the time of initial occurrence

Slug Control Test with SLUGGER

Slug and Snail Control Test

Used product Applied quantity
Density before treatment(number) 3DAT(June 7, 2007) Control value(%)
No. of Investigated No. of Survival Rate of Survival(%)
SLUGGER 3.0kg 30 27 0 0.0 100.0
Untreated - 25 22 88.0 -


  • Avoid excessive water spray after treatment.
  • Never use the area close to fish farm
  • Keep remaining product in cool and dark place away from sunlight with tightly sealed