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Environment friendly products
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • Product : Anti-V, Anti-V Gold
    Unit : Anti-V ⓢ - 200g
            Anti-V SD - 1 ㎏
            Anti-V Gold(Liquid) - 200㎖, 400㎖, 2ℓ
            Anti-V Gold(Granule) – 5㎏

Characteristics of Product

  • Product made from oriental herb medicine developed by 100% B.I.G’s own technology.
  • The virus is inactivated within 20 minutes after contact of the product.
  • Excellent efficacy on various viruses.
  • It quarantines secondary and tertiary infection by controlling primary virus infection.
  • Restoration of the soil infected by cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV).
  • Suitable for high quality agricultural product.
  • The world first developed new biological viricide.

Application Method

Formulation type Crops Dilution rate and Applied quantity Application method
Anti-V Ⓢ All crops 1,000~2,000 times dilution(10~20g/20ℓ) Foliar application before infection all over the crop (Using 2,000 times dilution when seedling stage)
Anti-V SD 1.0㎏/330㎡(3.3a) Dilute 1kg of Anti-V SD with 1 ton of water and soil drenching
Anti-V Gold(Liquid) Spraying to foliage 500~1,000 times dilution(20~40㎖/20ℓ) Spray on to leaves sufficiently to cover the upper and underside of leaves
Soil drench 2ℓ/660㎡(6.6a) Dilute 2ℓ of Anti-V Gold with 1 ton of water and soil drenching
Anti-V Gold(Granule) 15㎏/660㎡(6.6a) Soil incorporation

Efficacy of Virus Control

TMV Particle change after Anti-V SD Treatment


  • Do not mix and use with alkaline materials(chemicals).
  • Keep remaining product in cool and dark place away from sunlight with tightly sealed.