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Major business category
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

Major Business Category

Division ITEM Characteristics
Environment Friendly Agriculture Bio-Pesticide Microbe based environment friendly pollution-free harmful insect control medicine. Control medicine for harmful soil insect and nematode
Environment Friendly Biocontrol Agent Develop integrated harmful insect control system based on natural material and microbe. Organic fertilizer for enhancing growth.

Record of Research and Development

Classification Project name Period
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Development of microorganism pesticide using BIG102 2001. 9 ~ 2004. 8
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Development of microorganism pesticide to control harmful forest insect 2001. 9 ~ 2004. 8
Ministry of Knowledge Economy Cultivation method of Chaga mushroom and separated manufacturing of polysaccharide which has anti-cancer activity 2001. 3 ~ 2003. 2
Small and Medium Business Administration Development of bio bed soil using microorganism 2002. 4 ~ 2003. 3
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Development of microorganism pelleting seed that is effective for preventing soil diseases on crops and for enhancing growth of crops 2002. 10 ~ 2005. 10
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Screening and development of insecticidally active material in essential oil 2002. 10~ 2005. 10
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Development of natural fungicide using Rhubarb extract 2004. 4 ~ 2005. 3
Joint Research with China Development of organic fertilizer using by-product of Matrine 2005. 3 ~ 2006. 3
Self Research Project Development of functional food using organic broccoli 2005. 9 ~ 2006. 8
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Development of bio-pesticide to control harmful insects of street trees 2006. 4 ~ 2009. 4
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Development of eco-friendly bio-pesticide to control major soil-borne disease 2006. 4 ~ 2009. 4
Ministry of Knowledge Economy Development of fermentation functional food using natural vegetable matter material 2006. 6 ~ 2008. 5
Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology Development of eco-friendly broad plant viral disease control agent using natural plant extract 2008. 8 ~ 2010. 7
Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology Development of environment friendly biopesticide to control bacterial wilt of major crops 2009. 4 ~ 2012. 3
Rural Development Administration Derived from natural plant antiviral practical 2010. 3 ~ 2012. 12
DaeJeon TechnoPark Enter the domestic market expansion and Vietnam,
Thailand market for environmentally friendly biopesticide
2011. 5 ~ 2011. 10
Small & Medium Business Administration Eco-friendly new materials for potatoes deodengyi disease control through
the construction of a liquid culture of bacteria Pseudomonas koreensis
2012. 12 ~ 2013. 11
Rural Development Administration Nematode control agents developed using microorganisms
and plant-derived natural products
2012. 5 ~ 2013. 12
DaeJeon TechnoPark Environment-friendly widespread plant virus disease control agent
of the domestic market expansion and overseas promotion
2013. 7 ~ 2013. 10
DaeJeon TechnoPark Eco-friendly plant-derived natural to control the snail damaging substances
in vegetables using organic agricultural materials development and industrialization
2013. 10 ~ 2014. 2
DaeJeon TechnoPark Bridge Russ control a wide range of industrial liquid formulations
of controlling a plant virus disease
2014. 3 ~ 2014. 9
Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy Development and industrialization of organic materials using environmentally
friendly plant-derivednatural products for effective control of watermelon
and fruit crops rot
2013. 6 ~ 2015. 5
Rural Development Administration Eco-friendly organic agricultural materials for the development
and commercialization of plant bacterial disease control
2015. 4 ~ 2015. 11

Core capability