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Environment friendly products
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • Product : DANDITAN
    Unit : 200㎖
    Dilution rate : 1,000 times

Characteristics of Product

  • Environment friendly product made of the raw materials of plant extracts.
  • As the certified material to the “Law for Promotion of Environment Friendly Agriculture” suitable for the production of high quality crops.
  • Repellent and control efficacies are quite excellent against harmful insects such as aphids and flies.
  • It is safe for crops and causes very rare harmful effect.
  • It acts on the nervous system and so the effectuation is fast and excellent.
  • Wide spectrum insecticide

Application Method

Crop Dilution rate Application method
All crops 1,000 time
Spray on to leaves sufficiently to cover the upper and under side of leaves.

Target pest

Efficacy of pest Control

Target pest Test Result
Ricania Sp. (nymph) The investigation result of the treated area with 1,000times diluted solution of DANDITAN 3days after treatment, showed 85.5% of control values accordingly. No phytotoxicity.
Diamond-back moth The investigation result of the treated area with 1,000times diluted solution of DANDITAN 3days and 7days after treatment, showed 87.2% and 90.7% of control values accordingly. No phytotoxicity.
brown plant hopper The investigation result of the treated area with 1,000times diluted solution of DANDITAN 3days and 9days after treatment, showed 81.9% and 80.7% of control values accordingly. No phytotoxicity.
A Coccid(nymph) The investigation result of the treated area with 1,000times diluted solution of DANDITAN 3days after treatment, showed 84.2% of control values accordingly. No phytotoxicity.