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Environment friendly products
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • Product : VITAPANG
    Unit : 500㎖
    Dilution rate : 500 times

Characteristics of Product

  • As the product is made of the extracts from medicinal plants, it is safe to animal and human being
  • As the product contains no EPA control materials and no residual agricultural pesticide, it is suitable for pesticide-free environment
          friendly organic farming
  • Excellent efficacy to powdery mildew & Applicable for all kind of crops. (Except strawberries and flowering plants)
  • Excellent efficacy even to the agricultural pesticide tolerating powdery mildew

Application Method

Crops Dilution rate Applied quantity
(per 20ℓ water)
Application method
Fruit, vegetable
and rice
500times 40㎖ Spray on to leaves sufficiently to cover the upper and underside of leaves

Efficacy of Pest Control

Test Result

Efficacy test Target pest Test result
Tomato Powdery Mildew 500 times diluted solution of VITAPANG treatment, showed 84.7% control values accordingly. No phytotoxicity.
Rice Blast 500 times diluted solution of VITAPANG treatment, showed 59.7% control values accordingly. No phytotoxicity
Downy Mildew 500 times diluted solution of VITAPANG treatment, showed 85.% controlvalues accordingly. No phytotoxicity.


  • Before use, shake product well and add small water to sprayer tank. And then add proper quantity of VITAPANG and add remaining
          water with stirring. After adding all remain water and stirring sufficiently for proper mixing, then spray.
  • Apply in late afternoon when sunlight is mild for better efficacy and for honeybees.
  • Do not mix and use with permeating agent and spreader in order to increase the efficacy.
  • Do not mix and use with alkaline materials(chemicals)
  • Keep remaining product in cool and dark place away from sunlight with tightly sealed.
  • Do not use during flowering time, especially roses and strawberries.