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Environment friendly products
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

    Unit : 200g, 500g

Characteristics of Product

  • Environmentally-friendly product made from native antagonistic actinomycetes with outstanding preventive effects for tomato Ralstonia
  • Addition of chitosan, etc promoting the vitality of actinomycetes in the plant rhizosphere, which maximizes the resistibility of crops,
          controlling Ralstonia solanacearum effectively.
  • Outstanding preventive effects for the sclerotium disease mostly occurring in low-temperature season.
  • Appropriate for the quality enhancement of agricultural products and the production of eco-friendly organic agricultural products.
  • It is recommended to have systematic treatment of TERRA KHAN, granule formulation, and CHUNGOTAN, water dispersible granule, for
          increasing effects.

Application Method

Formulation type Crop Dilution rate and Applied quantity Application method
CHUNGOTAN All crops 100g/20ℓ Planting after dipping a seeding box into dilluted product
200g/660㎡(6.6a) Dilute 200g of CHUNGOTAN with 1 ton of water and soil drenching
CHUNGOTAN Gold 1,000time (20g/20ℓ) Spray on to leaves sufficiently to cover the upper and under side of leaves.

Control Efficacy of Ralstonia solanacearum

Efficacy of tomato Ralstonia solanacearum(Gangwondo Agricultural Research & Extension Services)

Controlling soil-borne disease using CHUNGOTAN

Crop Timing Dilution rate Applied quantity Application method
Ginseng Spring, Autumn 1,000 times 5ℓ/3.3㎡ Soil drenching 2 times a year, Spring and Autumn right before occurrence
Lawn Early Occurrence 1,000 times 1ℓ/㎡ Soil drenching 3 times at intervals of 7days at the early occurrence


  • Read the directions carefully before use.
  • Follw the usage and treatment method.
  • Do not mix and use with alkali product and germicide.