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Environment friendly products
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • Product : Bye-mycin
    Unit : 200㎖, 400㎖, 500㎖, 2ℓ

Characteristics of Product

  • The active ingredient of natural extracts to bacterial blight management products.
  • Resistant to existing antibiotics, can overcome their environmentally friendly products.
  • Various kinds of bacteria is widespread.

Application Method

Crop Division Dilution rate Application method
All crops Spraying to foliage 500~1,000 time
Spray on to leaves sufficiently at the early crop growth stage.
Apply 3 times at intervals of 7~10 days.
Soil drench 2ℓ/660㎡(6.6a) Soil incorporation before planting or dilute 2ℓ of Bye-mycin with 1ton of water and soil drenching

Target plant disease

Efficacy of plant disease Control