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B.I.G products
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • Product : V-cut set
    V-cut refill : 300㎖, 3.0ℓ

Characteristics of Product

  • 100% interception of sap transmission of virus during farm works
  • 100% maintenance of working efficiency
  • Easy replacement of cartridge
  • More than 30% lighter compare to iron scissors
  • First and best patent in the world

Efficacy Test Result(Gangwondo Agricultural Research and Extension Services,2007)

Classification Farm Method Virus Control Value(%)
New technique Using V-cut 100.0 85.0 100.0
Customary control Skim milk solution(10%) 55.0 20.0 60.0
Untreated control Water 0 0 0


  • Please carefully use the tool all the times since you may be hurt by a sharp blade.
  • Please use the tool to cut sprouts and leaves of horticulture plants and do not use the tool in other usages such as cutting a tree or
          a wire.
  • Keep the tool in a safe place after clean, remove moisture and dry well.