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B.I.G products
A clean environment and live a healthy life Enterprise B.I.G Co., Ltd

  • Product : JISUN
    Applied quantity : 300㎖/660㎡, 500㎖/1,000~1650㎡
    Application method : Soil drenching

Characteristics of Product

  • Great efficacy to avoid the salt accumulation and soil improvement
  • Improve the rhizosphere system and intensify the growth of root hair
  • Reinforce the growth potential energy of
  • Since the JISUN reinforce the immunity of crop, it increase the yield exceedingly
  • JISUN is suitable for the production of high nutrition and quality agricultural products
  • Recovering vitality of soil by microbes

Application Method

Crops Treatment area Applied quantity Application method
Horticultural crops 660㎡ 300㎖ Soil drenching dilute with water before planting

Treatment Efficacy(development of root) and Growth intensifier of JISUN